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The bi-weekly poetry podcast for everyone. Pen and Poet is part interview, part poetry reading. From spoken word to traditional and everyone in between. 

Sep 30, 2021

Melissa May is author of Up Is So Near and Sparklefat which was originally published by WordsDance Press. She has been featured on Button Poetry with at least one of her videos having over 900,000 views.

If you'd like to be a guest on the show or have questions, you can email at

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Sep 16, 2021

Bracha Goetz is a poet and author of 40 children’s books written in rhyme poetry. Goetz graduated from Harvard with a BA in Psychology and Social Relations. She is also author of a memoir for grown ups called Searching for God in the Garage. You can find her work on

Sep 2, 2021

Nolan P. Holloway Jr. is a poet from Atlanta Georgia and author of 3 collections of poetry including Life Between the Words. He is also cohost of a radio show called The Real Level Up and is a voice over artist with a background in business management.